Music is the key

In modern life, sound serves image. Personally, I like it the other way round... or both!..

Latest Albums


..into that world inverted
where left is always right,
where the shadows are really the body,
where we stay awake all night..
Elizabeth Bishop 

A small collection of stories describing the dystopian society which we are living in these days...
Original language in Greek. 

  1. Rats
  2. 1821
  3. Politician
  4. Birthday
  5. Debt

Demonstrative soundtrack music

"Dungeon Crawlers Vol.01", is an Inspirational Box composed by Ioannes Papanikolaou (2022) in collaboration with Alex Pfeffer, consisting on 12 short orchestral arrangements ideal for inspiration when working on soundtracks or any other media music project. It can be used commercially when purchased on the Alex Pfeffer´s website store: 

© 2022 ICE DEA. Ακαδημίας 24, 106 71, Αθήνα
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